Song First Trigram I Ching online reading
Song Second Trigram IChing online reading

IChing Hexagram 6
訟 Sòng : The conflict

The upper tigram: K'ien (The sky, the creator)
The lower trigram: K'an (water, the danger)

Avoid conflict by ensuring your positions
Stubbornness is not good adviser. Do not hesitate to seek arbitration of a third party
As a precaution, prevent any dispute considering the subject from the beginning

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Online I Ching interpretation :

  Picto less No, online IChing reading No !
Keep quiet and think about it to be unassailable!

Picto love, online I Ching readingSENTIMENTAL life:
Too opposed characters lead to confrontation or deception.

  Picto work, online IChing reading PROFESSIONAL life :
Accept the concessions sought to avoid trial.

Picto change, IChing online readingCHANGE :
Why not if it does not lead to a contractual commitment.

Picto health, I Ching online readingHEALTH :
Look after yourself vigorously now.