
IChing Hexagram 30
離 Lí: Clarity, fire, attachment

The upper tigram: 離 Lí (Fire, attachment
The lower trigram:
離 Lí (Fire, attachment)

Any one or the other!!
All fire and flame: you live a passionate period in the union as in the separation..
Good will and vision guide you to success.

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Online I Ching interpretation : 

Picto more Yes, online I Ching reading Yes but...

Do not be blinded by passion!

Picto love, online I Ching readingSENTIMENTAL life:
Are you ready to give everything you're asked?

  Picto work, online IChing reading PROFESSIONAL life:
Refocus on the topics you care about.

Picto change, IChing online readingCHANGE:
They are good for you.

Picto health, I Ching online readingHEALTH:
Do not burn the candle at both ends.